Massillon Recreation Center



Date Time League Season
April 4, 2020 9:00 am Ohio Valley Region 2019-2020


Massillon Recreation Center
505 Erie Street North Massillon, OH 44646


Doors of Recreation Center opens at 8am.

A coaches’ meeting will be at 8:30 AM in the front lobby and will take place prior to the start of the tournament.

Coaches must attend to verify & sign their roster. The tournament starts promptly at 9:00 A.M. sharp.

No teams will be allowed to camp out in the hallways during the tournament. The use of any ball outside of the gymnasium is not permitted while inside the building. Keep all coolers in cars. No outside food or Coolers are prohibited in and outside facilities hosting OVR-sanctioned events. Concessions will be provided at the tournament site.

Seating for spectators will be provided in the gymnasium. Only those teams currently playing in a match are permitted on the gymnasium floor. No personal chairs are permitted in the gymnasium.

If Stark County is under a Level 3 Emergency, the tournament will be canceled. For any reason the tournament is canceled, a notice will be displayed at the OVR Junior Tournament list. Club directors and/or coaches and officials will be contacted (phone, email) as soon as possible.

Vipers 14U

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