Tips to Ace Your Tryout


With tryouts for Junior Olympic volleyball clubs taking place this month, it’s important to be consistent in your approach to each individual tryout.

While it’s important to possess the basic skills of passing, serving and serve-receiving, you also need a positive and confident attitude. Be respectful to the coaches and demonstrate your ability to be coached. Listen to the instructions and hustle! You’ll also want to tune out distractions and focus on the task at hand. After all, you’re there because you want to be there. Show the coaches how eager you are to learn and compete.

Some of the basic skills you’ll need include:


Make sure you can pass to your target. Make sure you are down low in the ready position while waiting for your pass.


Consistency at the service line is a key for any volleyball team. Focus on getting the ball over the net and hit your targets. If you’ve developed a jump serve, use that too, but be sure you prove you can serve consistently before you attempt a lower-percentage serve.


Practice your footwork and your arm swing before tryouts. You don’t need anything but some space and YouTube videos to do that. Even if your timing is a little off at tryouts, a good foundation will impress the coach.


You may not have the best serve or be the best at passing or setting but what you can control is your effort. Don’t let anybody out-hustle you. Show your desire. Dive for loose balls. Communicate with the other girls on the floor. Give it all you have.

Be Positive

Your attitude drives your effort. Be confident and positive. Congratulate other players when they make a great play and encourage them when they make a mistake. Coaches love to see athletes who are not only consistent but also who are great teammates. Be that player.

Be Ready To Play

On the night before tryouts–and this should be a consistent approach to any day–get a good night’s rest. Eat well the day before and eat light on the day of tryouts. Stay hydrated.

Also, dress appropriately. You don’t need the most expensive volleyball shoes or fancy arm sleeves but you should be dressed ready to compete in the proper gear. Don’t forget your knee pads! Try to avoid loose and baggy shirts as they could hinder your performance.

Have Fun!

This one is at the bottom of the list but that doesn’t mean it’s any less important than the other tips. In fact, it could be the most important. You’re attending tryouts because you want to play volleyball. You want to learn more about the sport and to develop your skills. You play because you enjoy it.

Take the stress out of the day and do what you enjoy doing. If you can focus on that, you’ll do great!