Westminster College



Date Time League Season
March 29, 2020 8:30 am Ohio Valley Region 2019-2020


Westminster College Memorial Fieldhouse
Westminster Drive New Wilmington, PA 16172


Doors open at 7:30 AM. A coaches’ meeting at 8:00 AM at the playing site will take place prior to the start of the tournament. The tournament starts at 8:30 AM in the Memorial Field House and Buzz Ridl Gymnasium.

Pool pay is the best of three sets with rally scoring. Each non-deciding set will be to 25 points with a minimum two-point advantage(no scoring cap). The deciding set, if needed, will be to 15 points with a minimum two-point advantage(no scoring cap).

Tee-Shirts will be awarded for Gold Division Winners.

Match Order: [Team in()refs]

  • Match 1 1 vs 3 (2)
  • Match 2 2 vs 4 (1)
  • Match 3 1 vs 4 (3)
  • Match 4 2 vs 3 (1)
  • Match 5 3 vs 4 (2)
  • Match 6 1 vs 2 (4)

Teams will officiate according to the above schedule for pool play.

Team camps will be permitted in the lobby and the hallways. No teams will be permitted to camp inside the gymnasiums.

Coolers and food: Keep all coolers in cars. Coolers (including soft sided) are prohibited in and outside facilities hosting OVR-sanctioned events. Setting up tables and/or cooking by teams or their support staff, fans, coaches, or parents are prohibited at OVR-sanctioned events. Tournament directors and site managers do not have the discretion to grant permission. Tournament directors can permit teams to bring food into a designated area of the tournament facility. Some facilities do not permit outside food to be brought in to a tournament site. This is also allowed and will be enforced. If a club does not comply amicably with a tournament director’s or site director’s request, an Incident Report will be sent to Bob Price, OVR Commissioner, resulting in up to a $250 fine and a team/club suspension.

A full concession with reasonable prices will be provided at the tournament site.

All seating for the IM gym (Courts 3 & 4) will be between the two courts. Chairs should brought by spectators.

Courts 1 & 2 will have a few rows of bleachers available. You may want/need a chair here as well.

For any reason the tournament is canceled, a notice will be displayed at the OVR Junior Tournament list. Club directors and/or coaches and officials will be contacted (phone, email) as soon as possible.

Vipers 16U Black

1 2 3 4 5 S K E TA B PTS